Griffith Spring Fest Celebrates 32 Years of Open Gardens


The Open Gardens are a much-loved tradition and a major component of the Griffith Spring Fest program of events. This year marks 32 years of the Open Gardens, a testament to its enduring popularity, as they continue to attract thousands of visitors to the region every year!

The Griffith Tourism Team invites garden enthusiasts and nature lovers to explore the hidden
beauty of eight stunning privately owned gardens this year, which will be open on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October, from 10am to 4pm both days.

The Open Gardens are a delightful opportunity to experience the rich horticultural tapestry, with each garden owner showcasing their own unique landscapes, vibrant flora and design inspirations that will leave visitors inspired And mixed with the warm hospitality that each garden owner offers, this is what makes the Open Gardens such a special part of the Griffith Spring Fest program year after year. “We are excited to announce that this year we have three new gardens for you to explore; Jenny and Richard Fletcher’s garden on Crook Rd, Fiona and Michael Smith’s garden on Myall Park Road, and Cathy Stockton’s garden in Yenda,” said Events Coordinator Izabella Apolloni. “Also opening up their beautiful gardens again for 2024 are Ron and Lyn Anson, Trish and Louis Sartor, Marj and Mick Careri, Tori Horder and Lawrence Salvestrin, and Emeri De Bortoli.”

Garden Entry is $8 per person per garden, and tickets can be pre-purchased at the Griffith Tourism Hub for those wishing to pay via Eftpos, or alternatively it will be cash only at each of the garden entry gates on the day. Under 16-year-olds are free to enter.

Another way to immerse yourself in the beauty of Griffith’s private gardens and enjoy the serene landscape along the way, is by booking on a Garden Bus Tour, sponsored by Roy Spagnolo & Associates. These exclusive tours will run on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October, and includes four gardens each day and a delightful light lunch. The cost is $60 per adult and $30 per child, with bookings essential.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this incredible celebration of nature and gardening during Griffith’s best time of year! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or simply appreciate nature and the outdoors, the Griffith Spring Fest ‘Open Gardens’ has something for everyone.

For more information on each of the gardens or to book your Bus Tour, please visit our website: or pop into the Griffith Tourism Hub to grab your program, or give the Tourism Team a call on 1800 681 141.